日期22:2017-11-28 / 人气:

我 出生在一个农业科学世家。我的曾祖父是中国较早的留学生,他在1923年毕业于美国威斯康星大学农学院,得到了学士学位和硕士学位,他作为中国农学界有名 学者,曾在多个农业院校讲授过奶牛学,在教学中传授奶牛救国的理念。我的祖父曾在中国农业科学院任职。他领导的关于硒的研究成果,摸清了中国的硒分布情 况,对全民如何合理补硒做出了贡献,得到了国家科技进步二等奖。我的祖母和叔叔也都从事着与农业相关的研究工作。我的童年就是在听家人讲他们工作中的趣事 中度过的。
I was born in a family closely connected with agricultural science. My great-grandfather is a pioneer overseas student in China. He was graduated from agricultural college of the University of Wisconsin with bachelor and master degrees. As a famous scholar in the Chinese agricultural field, he taught the science of dairy cattle in several agricultural universities and colleges and imparted the concept of saving China through dairy cattle during his teaching processes. My grandfather ever took office in Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The selenium project led by him has found the distributing situation of selenium in China, and made contributions to selenium supplement of the whole Chinese people. Due to his contributions, He was awarded the second prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award. My grandmother and uncle also work on jobs related to agricultural research. My childhood was spent in listening to work-related stories of my family.
在 初中开始学习生物时,老师课上讲到的很多知识都是我小时候就听过的。随着对生物学的学习越来越深入,我对这门学科越来越感兴趣。课本上的知识不能满足我对 生物知识的需求,祖父还推荐了很多有意思的课外书给我。当然,我的生物成绩在班级里也一直数一数二。课余时间我也常在西山的石砾间灌木丛中或是其他植被间 穿梭,有时甚至会花上一天去收集某种特定的昆虫标本。在那里不论是被遗弃的残破蜂巢还是几声未曾听过的鸟鸣都能引起我强烈的兴趣。
When I learned the course of biology in junior high school, the knowledge educated by teachers was all what I had heard in my childhood. Along with the depth of the biology course, my interests in this course become stronger, and my academic performance in this course was also outstanding. As the knowledge in textbooks can not meet my demands, my grandfather recommended many interesting extra books to me. After class, I often went to wilderness or bushes of the western mountain, and sometimes spent one day collecting certain insect specimen. My interest can be drawn by various things there; no matter it is a deserted broken honeycomb or twitter of unknown birds.
现 在祖父年纪大了,他常常对我说,他希望我能够传承我们家的农业研究事业。身负祖父殷切的希望,我立志将来也在农业研究方面做出一番成就。我想要成为曾祖父 和祖父那样的对农业研究有贡献对社会有贡献的人。所以我希望在大学期间先学习生物专业,然后在研究生阶段继续农业领域的研究。
As my grandfather is becoming older, he always told me that he hopes that I can take over my family’s agricultural research career. Shouldering the ardent expectation of my grandfather, I am determined to make achievements in the field of agricultural research, and become a person like my great-grandfather and grandfather who made contributions to agricultural research and the whole society. Therefore, I wish I can be a student majoring in biology at the undergraduate level and continue the research of agriculture at the graduate level.
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