

日期22:2017-11-28 / 人气:



Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Ms. Jiao Zi's Chinese Literature teacher at Beijing No.2 Railway High School. I became her teacher in Grade 10, and I have known her for over two years. She is, without a question, one of the most outstanding students I have ever taught at our school. I wholeheartedly recommend her as a prospective student for your university.

Jiao Zi's academic performance in my literature class has been consistently excellent. First of all, she is a creative and thoughtful writer, and her maturity is clearly reflected in her writings. I assign each of my students to write three essays per week. Unlike most students who simply describe daily routines, Jiao Zi's essays often concern about her reflection toward different issues, exploring a variety in our society and human life. Besides writing assignment, her creativity and articulation are also showed in her extra curriculum writing works. Most impressively, she wrote a musical named “Wind Chime” that led to a successful performance in our school and later received an award from a competition held by Xi Cheng district, which so many schools took parts in.

Jiao Zi has laid a solid foundation for her literature studies, which I can attribute to her reading habits and proficiency. She always shares the books she has read with other students in our book club and provides her insightful comments. From the book titles, I can see her wide reading interests, touching various subjects in politics, social sciences, and humanity. For example, she recently read a book entitled“The Details of Democracy”, in which a Chinese female writer presents her unique views about American politics and freedom after living in the US for several years. Jiao Zi's reading logs are frequently passed around my students because of her eyes for good quotations as well as notes of her own comprehension.

Such strong comprehension abilities allow her to approach problems from different perspectives in a critical way. In class, Jiao Zi often expresses different opinions regarding literature works we study and her opinions can sometimes inspire other students, thus generating enthusiastic class discussions. She distinguishes herself from her peers by constantly comes up with original answers rather than following standard answers excerpted from reference books. In my opinion, this way of thinking and attitude towards study are effective and efficient, enabling Jiao Zi to attain excellent grades in various disciplines.

I believe that Jiao Zi will continue to grow as a creative writer and critical thinker thanks to her capabilities in these areas and solid foundation in literature. I would like to recommend this excellent student to you, and I am confident that she will be successful in her future study.


Song Xiaohui



尊敬的 大学:


庄若妍的各科成绩都很好,语文成绩也一直在全年级名列前茅。他的阅读能力很强,每次考试中的阅读理解部分常常能够拿到满分。在上课时,他也总是能较快的找到 课文的中心要点。在跟他的交流中我得知,他在课后阅读了大量的国内外文学名著和期刊杂志,这些都极大地提高了他的快速阅读和理解能力。






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