日期22:2017-09-21 / 人气:

On autobiographical memory from the perspective of culture
根据社会文化发展的分析所说,通过传递社会文化塑造自我概念而形成了自传体记忆Autobiographical memory。在亚洲及西方两个国家中,他们在自传体记忆的表现具有文化差异。亚洲国家被试在描述回忆中会形容更多关于一般性知识上的因素,也会更加倾向于具有社会取向性的记忆。而西方国家被试在描述回忆中会形容更加多与有具体情景的因素,会更加倾向于具有描述个体的记忆,也在较早记忆力表现上早于和高于亚洲被试。在不同文化中,通过不同方式的亲自对话及分享感受到了不同类别的信息塑造了个体独特的自我概念,而引起了自传体记忆在文化之间的差异。
According to the analysis of social and cultural development, autobiographical memory is developed through transmitting social culture and shaping self-concept. There are cultural differences among Asian countries and Western countries in representation of autobiographical memory. As tested, participants of Asian countries tend to describe more factors of general knowledge when describing memories, and are inclined to have social memories, while people of Western countries tend to describe more factors of detailed scenarios, are inclined to have memories regarding individual description, and also earlier or higher than Asian people in the earliest memory performance. In different cultures, through different styles of parent-child conversation and sharing, different types of information are perceived and different and unique self-concepts are shaped, so that cultural differences of autobiographical memory are triggered.
Keywords: cultural psychology, autobiographical memory, viewpoints of social and cultural development
1 前言
自传体记忆是一种与个人之间在特定时间以及地点相关的事件记忆 (Peterson 2002)。自传体记忆不仅仅包括了个人记忆系统里与自己相关的情景记忆(Wang, 2009)。由于自我概念形成的基础来自于自传体记忆(Peterson 2002),而文化中不同的自我概念会影响每个的自传体记忆形成 (Fivush & Nelson, 2004)。所以,自传体记忆与自我概念具有紧密的关系。
1. Introduction
Autobiographical memory is a memory consisting of people and events experienced at particular time and place (Peterson 2002). It not just includes the episodic memories related to oneself in his memory system (Wang, 2009). As the basis for the formation of self-concept comes from the autobiographical memory (Peterson 2002), and different self-concepts in cultures affect the formation of autobiographical memory of each person (Fivush & Nelson, 2004), autobiographical memory is closely related to self-concept.
自从2000年的跨文化研究结果所见,自传体记忆存在着一致的文化差异,特别是关于文化队自传体记忆的发生以及提取上的差异,这使得更多研究者对此领域产生关注以及研究兴趣(Wang, 2009)。随着个体的发展,西方被试的大人和儿童在提取特定情景自传体记忆的表现比亚洲的被试的表现得到更好的结果。 举例, 在Han, Leichtman, & Wang (1998)的实验中,欧美儿童跟中国和韩国儿童相比,欧美被试在回忆特定情景细节上好于中国和韩国被试。欧美儿童在描述回忆时,他们会指出具体的事件(比如:我吃饭时吃了我较喜爱的蛋糕),而亚洲儿童的描述之描述了事件本身(比如:我每天都会吃饭)。由于心理理论、自我意识的、语言获得、叙述技能、神经生物性结构的成熟性都是影响自传体记忆的因素(Peterson, Wang, & Hou, 2009),而自传体记忆可以做不同地区的跨文化研究,也能观察被试的毕生发展过程,在这个领域有很大的发展余地进行探索(可从不同被试做横向研究,观察毕生发展做纵向研究)。
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