

日期:2021-01-28 / 人气:





在当今盛世,旅游业蓬勃发展,自然景观人们看腻了,反而无人顾及,而人文灵光却使岜沙苗寨蜚声中外,名扬遐迩。各方面媒体以文字、图片、影视等多种形式争相报道岜沙,称之为中国较后一个枪手部落苗族的活化石返璞归真的典范等多种称誉。并给我们岜沙苗寨人戴上:贵州重点民族村、中国单身者 旅游圣地、贵州省级风景名胜区从江景区岜沙独立点、全国农业旅游示范点、地球上较神秘的21个原生态部落、中国历史文化名村等十多顶,富丽堂皇的桂冠。这是有关上级和学术单位赐予岜沙的殊荣。绝不是从江人自吹自擂。


They asked me why men in Biasha would wear hair in “Jiu Jiu” (a topknot) and women there wear pleated skirts throughout their life? How would they hunt? Why do they worship trees and sacrifice to trees? Any question like these. I tried my best to tell them the local customs and practices, manners and habits, and some historical allusions. They listened to me carefully and were enthralled by what I was talking about. After that, I took out a figure photo album of Biasha from my bag and gave it to them as a gift. These city-born girls just fixed their eyes on it and could hardly tear themselves away from it, praising, “Biasha is really mysterious!” These words are really spoken from the bottom of their heart, to which I haven’t exaggerated embellishment.

If you say the book reflects history and culture of Biasha, it is just the tip of the iceberg, because the history and culture of Biasha is too rich to summarize.

Nowadays tourism has flourished whereas people are fed up with natural landscape, which makes Biasha Hmong Village renowned for its human landscape both at home and abroad. Biasha has been reported in forms of characters, pictures and movies by all kinds of media as “the last tribe with gunners in China”, “the living fossil of Hmong people”, and “the model of returning to innocence”. Biasha Hmong people have been honored with more than 10 gorgeous titles, such as “the key ethnic village in Guizhou Province”, “Top 10 attractions for single people in China”, “Congjiang Biasha independent site of provincial scenic spot in Guizhou Province”, “the national pilot site of agricultural tourism”, “the 21 most mysterious aboriginal tribes on the earth”, “Chinese historically and culturally famous village”, etc. These honors are endowed by relevant superior authorities and academic institutions, which are not self-praised by Congjiang people.

It seems that time lapses without a trace in Biasha.




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