日期22:2017-09-21 / 人气:

尖音库蚊复合组(Culex pipiens Complex)种类分布于全国,是全球重要的疾病传播媒介,在医学上有很重要的研究价值,其中尖音库蚊亚种(Culex pipiens pipiens) 的淡色库蚊 (Cx. pipiens pallens)和致倦库蚊(Cx. pipiens quinquefasciatus)是我国斑氏丝虫病(bancroftian filariasis)的主要传播媒介。该复合组还是我国广大城乡的势蚊虫,其中淡色库蚊是我国北方常见蚊种, 是城镇入室吸血骚扰的主要蚊种。
本复合组的分类是蚊虫分类学研究中公认的世界性难题。国内外学者对本复合组分类地位、鉴别形态和地理区划做了不少研究,本复合组的各亚种形态颇为相似,从外形上很难鉴别,其雄蚊阳茎(male genitalia)侧板中叶的形态特征是种下分类的重要依据,且雄蚊阳茎DV/D值DV/D ratio of male genitalia是本复合组的重要形态学鉴别特征。本复合组蚊虫由于野外采集困难、特征信息量不足、鉴定时间较长,导致蚊媒(Mosquito)快速鉴定困难、系统进化数据匮乏;再加上形态学鉴定的局限性和不断缩减的分类学家队伍,使本复合组在分类学上的发展面临巨大挑战。
随着分子生物学技术,尤其是PCR技术和核酸自动测序技术的迅速发展,成熟的基因扩增及测序技术(gene amplified and sequenced),结合比较发达的网络与信息技术,给我们提供了以DNA为基础的分子系统分类学的发展。较传统的形态分类学而言,分子系统分类学可以利用小块生物体组织进行鉴别,能够在生物的不同生长阶段鉴别物种;并能够对传统分类系统进行验证,弥补其不足。现已被广泛用于研究昆虫系统发育、行为进化、种群遗传变异和分化,以及区分近缘种(species swarm)的鉴别,种下分类单元的鉴定等方面。多种分子标记的出现,为尖音库蚊复合组蚊虫(Culex pipiens Complex)在系统分类学、种群遗传学、种群生态学等方面的研究提供了新的思路和方法,从而能更好地阐明媒介蚊虫和疾病传播的关系,为蚊媒和蚊媒病(vectors)的防治提供重要的参考。
As the important disease vectors throughout the world, the species of Culex pipiens Complex, which are distributed all over the country, have the important medical research value. Wherein the Cx. pipiens pallens and Cx. pipiens quinquefasciatus, which belong to Culex pipiens pipiens, are the major vectors of the bancroftian filariasis in our country. This complex is the dominant mosquito species in Chinese urban and rural areas, among which the Cx. pipiens pallens acts as the common mosquito species in northern China and the main mosquito species responsible for the indoor hemophagia harassment in the cities and towns.
The classification for this complex remains as the worldwide problem, which is recognized in mosquito taxonomic study. International and domestic academics have conducted a lot of studies on taxonomic status, morphology identification, and geographical regionalization for this complex. The morphology is very similar among various subspecies of this complex. Therefore it is difficult to distinguish from the appearance. The morphological character of the male genitalia 侧板中叶 is the important basis for the infraspecific classification. And the DV/D ratio of male genitalia is the morphological identification character for this complex. The field acquisition difficulty, character information insufficiency, and identification slowness for the mosquitoes of this complex cause the difficulty on rapid identification and the lack of system evolutionary data on Mosquito ; the above content , combined with the limitation of morphological identification and the continuously diminished workforce of taxonomists , has formed enormous challenge on the taxonomy development for this complex.
Along with the rapid development of molecular biology techniques ( especially the PCR technique and automatic nucleic acid sequencing technique ) , the mature gene amplified and sequenced technology , together with the relatively developed networking and information technology , has provided the development of molecular phylogenetic taxonomy based on DNA . Compared with the traditional morphological taxonomy, the molecular phylogenetic taxonomy could carry out the identification using the smallish slice of organism tissue, distinguish the species in the different growth stages, and verify the traditional taxonomy system to compensate its deficiencies. Consequently, it has been widely applied in many aspects , such as the research of insect phylogeny, action evolution, population genetic variation and differentiation, the identification of distinguishing the species swarm, the verification of infraspecific taxa, and so on. The advent of many kinds of molecular genetic markers provides the new thinking and method for researching the Culex pipiens Complex mosquitoes in terms of system taxonomy , population genetics,population ecology , and so on , thus better illustrates the relationship between the vector mosquitoes with the disease transmission , and offers the essential reference for the prevention and treatment of Mosquito and the vectors diseases.
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