日期22:2017-09-21 / 人气:

characteristics of the nuclear taboo
The nuclear taboo refers to a de facto prohibition against the arst use of nu- clear weapons. The taboo is not the behavior (of nonuse) itself but rather the normative belief about the behavior. By “norm,” I mean a standard of right or wrong, a prescription or proscription for behavior “for a given identity.”13 A taboo is a particularly forceful kind of normative prohibition that is concerned with the protection of individuals and societies from behavior that is deaned or perceived to be dangerous. It typically refers to something that is not done, not said, or not touched.14
What makes the prohibition against using nuclear weapons a taboo rather than simply a norm? There are two elements to a taboo: its objective characteristics and its intersubjective, phenomenological aspect, that is, the meaning it has for people. Objectively, the nuclear taboo exhibits many, although not all, of the characteristics associated with taboos: it is a prohibition, it refers to danger, and it involves expectations of awful or uncertain consequences or sanctions if violated. Further, it is also a “bright line” norm: once the threshold between use and nonuse is crossed, one is immediately in a new world with all the unimaginable consequences that could follow.15 Finally, the nuclear taboo counteracts the deep attraction that nuclear weapons present to national leaders as the “ultimate weapon” and reminds them of the danger that lurks be- hind such weapons.16Several aspects of the nuclear prohibition, however, are decidedly unlike those of other taboos: it is not legalized (many taboos in modern society are), and it does not entirely prohibit the acquisition of taboo objects or overt preparations for their use (unlike, say, the Hindu taboo on eating beef). Under the 1968 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), the vast majority of states are prohibited from acquiring or possessing nuclear weapons. The ave declared nuclear states (Britain, China, France, Russia, and the United States), however, are allowed by the treaty to possess nuclear weapons temporarily pending complete disarmament and to prepare to use them.17 Thus the nuclear prohibition departs in some ways from the objective characteristics of a taboo.
The nuclear taboo, however, also has an intersubjective or a phenomenological aspect: it is a taboo because people believe it to be. Political and military leaders themselves began using the term to refer to this normative perception starting in the early 1950s, even when, objectively, a tradition of nonuse hardly existed. If actors see the use of nuclear weapons as if it were a taboo, as their rhetoric suggests, then this could affect their choices and behavior. In the words of sociologists William and Dorothy Thomas, “If men deane situations as real, they are real in their consequences.”18 This subjective (and intersubjective) sense of “tabooness” is one of the factors that makes the tradition of nu- clear nonuse a taboo rather than simply a norm.
然而,核禁忌也有主观间和现象方面:它之所以能成为一种禁忌是因为人们相信它是一种禁忌。早在20世纪50年代,政治和军事领袖自己在提到该规范性看法时就使用了这一条款了,即便当时主观上几乎不存在不使用这一传统。如果行动者将核武器的使用当做一种禁忌,正如他们的言辞所述,那么这将会影响他们的选择与行为。用社会学家William和Dorothy Thomas的话来说,“如果将事态认定为真实的,那么它们的结果也会是真实的。”18这种主观(和主观间)的“禁忌”感是使得不使用核武器这一传统成为禁忌而非单纯的规范的原因之一。
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